Advent of Code 2022 – Day 11
I'm trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We talk about logging in general and the different levels used in java and then we talk about the log4j logging API and how to set it up for writing files, logging to console, or doing a custom setup. We also talk about different frameworks and best practices.
In this video we will check for php compatibility on one of my old project and different versions of WordPress. First we need the CodeSniffer tooling, we will download it will wget. wget Next we make the CodeSniffer checker executable. chmod +x phpcs.phar The plugin is fetched directly from github release page. Currently the…
In this video I talk about the different iterations I went through the last weeks in order to shut down a docker image in Kubernetes with workloads without missing any jobs.
We solve the day 6 challenges for the Advent of Code.
We look into pieces and what features currently are available. Is it a tool for your development workflow or is it to early to use/know.
We talk about what an accessible app is and how we can improve our testing, both manually and automatic.