Advent of Code 2022 – Day 12
I'm trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We look into ceph storage building our own cluster using the ceph storage engine. A cluster usually contains multiple monitors, object storage daemons, managers and metadata servers. We talk about what their role is and how to install machines to handle this. We also cover what requiredments a ceph cluster has.
We are in our new linux environment and create the Perl language interpretor and some network utils required in order to manage your internet conncetion.
We go through how to manually install a Ceph cluster. We will add Object storage devices and play around with Rados. Rados (Reliable autonomic distributed object storage) is a great way to store data in a secure and efficient way. Adding storage When the cluster is up and running and all monitors are in qourum…
We look into how to record video in OBS so we can import it into Davinci Resolve in Linux.
We are in our new Linux environment and create some more packages. util-linux – Linux utils e2fsprogs – file system programs sysklogd – logger framework sysvinit – handler to handle init run levels
We build TFRecord file using java and talking about how to easily label your images for object detection.