Automatic Debian install – How to use simple-cdd
We look into how to install and use simple-cdd to create a new Bookworm install image fully automated with no input from the user during install.
I talk about some maintainance I had to do recently where we switched the public network of our monitors, removed the cache tier and remove massive amount of objects and all the problems we encountered and handled.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
I try to create a herddb using zookeeper and bookkeeper. I talk about the challenges I found and what the current state of the project is in my opinion.
We will look at JBang which is a tool that could simplify your workflow with java applications. For instance you could run java programs directly from maven or github, you can create new programs in java with JBang.
We create a lot of directories for the new Linux environment and copy the required files to continue building our system.
We talk about the struggles I had with running inferences in Java using a Keras model in tensorflow.