Precompile JSP files

If you’ve added the JSP performance enhancements I’ve discussed in an earlier post. Then I talked about a flag that disabled JSP compilation. In order to run without compilation enabled you need to precompile your JSP files. This could be done with the JspBatchCompiler command found inĀ {WAS_ROOT}/bin This command has multiple parameters but only a…

Optimization jsp handling

I was looking into an performance issue the other day and came by some small interesting changes you could do to your Websphere Application Server to increase performance and remove locks. The first was located in the fileĀ Stores.war/WEB-INF/ibm-web-ext.xml a file that I’ve never looked at. Seems that the WAS developers enabled support for handling the…

Webservice connection timeouts

I had a problem with some webservices connections timing out in our environments and I thought that the timeouts where a bit long. Most of our webservices run inline with a user request and some of the default timeouts didn’t make the cut. The settings above is the onces set in Websphere…