How to use expansion files in Android
We look into how to setup an expansion file in Android and download it from Google Play.

Parsing an OpenAPI file (Swagger)
We go though how to read a OpenAPI specification with the old API reading body content. And we also translate it to the new V3 parser and go through how this differens and works.

Creating your custom model for Tensorflow.JS
We look into how to use Java to create an image classification model using TFRecords and train it with python. Then we will read that model in TensorflowJS in order to predict images.

Java 14 – LTS Wrap up
We look at what will come in the next release of java. Java 14, this release will wrap up development for the long time support release.

Advent of Code – Day 10 – This was a hard one
We solve the day 10 challenges for the Advent of Code. After 3 hours of trying we finally solve it by some interactive debugging.

Advent of Code – Day 7 – Finally solved!
We solve the day 7 challenges for the Advent of Code.

Advent of Code – Day 13 – Updated with ultimate hack
We solve the day 13 challenges for the Advent of Code.