Add/remove to segment

Customer segments aren’t the most straight forward concept. It should be and works fine but the back-end handling seems to be a set of different solutions put together to make the whole. First of we have the customer segments created as member groups. These groups have names and some small settings but only a few…

Remote search server on a development environment after FEP7

Quick note just to save this small information. IBM support is telling us that it’s impossible to use Commerce Developer with an external Solr server. After some research I found which config file to change in order to change which server it will call. [WCDEV_INSTALL]\wasprofile\config\cells\localhost\nodes\localhost\servers\server1\namebindings.xml This file has multiple entries for configuring the search. Changing…

Changing default command for “Customer is viewing a catalog entry”

When using the marketing trigger “Current page” with “Customer is viewing a catalog entry”. The template you use is actually saying look for a specific productId on a command called ProductDisplay. If you look in the dmeletemplate table you could find all the templates for the different triggers and other elements used by marketing. In…

Log4J your application server

We’re looking into a solution using log4j to consolidate our logs in an third-party system using Application server and IBM has disabled the support for log4j in the application servers logging framework. I tried to reverse this process and check what was needed to enable this feature again. First of we need the log4j framework…

Precompile JSP files

If you’ve added the JSP performance enhancements I’ve discussed in an earlier post. Then I talked about a flag that disabled JSP compilation. In order to run without compilation enabled you need to precompile your JSP files. This could be done with the JspBatchCompiler command found inĀ {WAS_ROOT}/bin This command has multiple parameters but only a…