Wolfenstein 3D in Minecraft? I generated the maps.
In this video, I go through how to set up the API to add blocks in Minecraft using Python. We also looked into how to take the maps ...
With the new Windows subsystem for linux it’s easier to install kubernetes on Windows 10. In this video we look at kubernetes using minikub and KinD which is two easy setups to try out kubernetes locally.
We look into how to use Zenity showing by some examples. Zenity is a graphical tool for your scripting to show dialog boxes on the GUI and return the result from Zenity back to your script.
We will look into how to use test-driven development in order to write code. I go through the process I use in order to create self-documenting code. The code should be able to validate itself and ensure that the thing you want it to handle it should handle.
I needed a solution to save data and I wanted to create an API so I could handle different storage solutions. One of the solutions I wanted to support was OpenSwift, a part of OpenStack. Trying create a small local installation for testing wasn’t easy and required research. Configuration options seems endless so I’m trying…
We solve today’s challenge at the advent of code 2020. Come join us and have some fun.
2024-07-09 17:12:13 Tuesday In this video we look at how to install stable diffusion in a docker container. This entails making our GPUs available in docker containers and running stable diffusion in a listening mode. We also enable the capability to run extensions inside of the container. Nvidia docker First of we need to get…