Wolfenstein 3D in Minecraft? I generated the maps.
In this video, I go through how to set up the API to add blocks in Minecraft using Python. We also looked into how to take the maps ...
I write a lot of small java applications and need a good command line interpreter. Apache Common CLI helps me keep track of options and arguments. Apache have a lot of great tools in their tool chain and even if some of them are common they have a great track record of usability.
I look into the PiBox installation and give my first impressions of the software and features of the PiBox solution.
We use Munin to monitor servers with different resources and critical operations. Munin will contact each server and ask for statistics and monitor if a service is running and have enough resources to work.
I switched to Linux this year and have been running it for almost a year. In this video we look into DistroSea which is a site for trying out different distros before you take the plunge into the world of Linux. I review the package managers, GUI elements and overall usefulness.
We solve todays challange at the advent of code 2020. Come join and have some fun.
We go through how to to create a package to for a cross platform build script. Using the tools autoconf and automake to create Makefile to make and install your c program.