Can you play Wolfenstein 3D in Minecraft? I generated the maps.
In this video, I go through how to set up the API to add blocks in Minecraft using Python. We also looked into how to take the maps ...
This simple tutorial will show you how to parse JSON in java using JSON-simple from Google. JSON-simple is a bit old now but very stable and tested by large and small companies. I use this framework every day, so making a tutorial was a no-brainer.
We solve the day 12 challenges for the Advent of Code.
We look at an example from ml5js to load images and predict them
I will go through a brief history of Microsoft describing where it came from and how it has evolved to today.
I try to solve Advent of code puzzles during the 2024 event. Please share your solutions and be a part of this great community.
We solve the day 10 challenges for the Advent of Code. After 3 hours of trying we finally solve it by some interactive debugging.