Essential DNS TXT Records for Email Delivery
This short promotes my video about the DNS TXT records required to deliver your emails to all email providers. If you send an ...
The next release of OpenJDK is number 15. I will title this release unsafe garbage as it focuses on garbage collection and removing usages of unsafe methods. We also look at string blocks and records.
In this video I look into the Hyperstack platform which is a GaaS (GPU as a Service). On this platform you can easily spin up a new machine an train your AI models, serve a user or any other task that requires a lot of compute.
We look at how to use a Biometric fingerprint to decrypt some encrypted data.
We look into setting up an RBD pool and running an SQLite database directly against the cluster. We check what languages have built-in support and how to work with the tools available.
We look at what will come in the next release of java. Java 13, this release will boost your development and help you get up and running.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.