Enhance Kubernetes with Ceph RBD: Deploy Portainer for Easy App Management
After installing Kubernetes the hard way, I improved the cluster with a Ceph RBD connection. This creates a StorageClass that we ...
In this video, I look into how to record audio in javascript. I built this small page to help me out recording text strings for TTS training.
In this video series, I try to challenge myself with the Advent of Code trials. Each solution will be published to Github, and I hope you will learn something from my coding mistakes and perhaps send some code my way on how you have done these challenges. I know by reading code, so this is…
I write a lot of small java applications and need a good command line interpreter. Apache Common CLI helps me keep track of options and arguments. Apache have a lot of great tools in their tool chain and even if some of them are common they have a great track record of usability.
We look into how to install Apache Kafka in production using ZooKeeper for redundancy and working with topics. We also setup a producer for syslogs and checking the consumer for all the logs to appear.
This story tells you how I got my job and what brought me to seek the job at Textalk.
We go through how to manually install a Ceph cluster. We will add Object storage devices and play around with Rados. Rados (Reliable autonomic distributed object storage) is a great way to store data in a secure and efficient way. Adding storage When the cluster is up and running and all monitors are in qourum…