Advent of Code 2023 – Day 9
I'm trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We will talk about how to set up Let’s Encrypt, what is required, what commands to run and what to do with the result. Lastly, we add renew command to keep the cert up to date.
I show off an open-source project I started writing a RabbitMQ executor in Java. This little tool is something you can deploy on a machine in order to execute workloads from a RabbitMQ queue. The executor will run the commands defined by a file and return the result to another queue.
We look into creating a web assembly using typescript build and run in a webpage.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
This week I’ve looked into fetching list prices using the list price rule defined in commerce. There isn’t any GUI to set the rule used for your list prices. And if you just fetch the value from CatalogEntryDataBean getListPrice you will get the value in the table LISTPRICE which should be deprecated in FEP6. You…
We look into using mdx-deck to create a slide deck with code and react.