Diskprediction local “fix”, where I’m at with this project
I've looked into diskprediction. I think it's an interesting way to figure out the state of your hardware by running a scikit learn model over your statistical data from S.M.A.R.T.
Keeping track of your disks in a Ceph cluster is important so you could replace them in time before data loss. In this video we look into how to use SMART data to run a machine learning prediction in order predict when a disk fails. SmartMonTools is used locally to fetch the data. The data…
We look at creating self signed certificates and get them working with your docker image. We talk about different encryption and authentication algorithms and other configuration options.
In this video, we look into the Ultralytics Yolo framework. It enables you to run a pre-trained Yolo algorithm and retrain it for your particular use case. Using this model, you could easily create a new model to detect your favorite things in an image and create location boxes over the objects.
We use Munin to monitor servers with different resources and critical operations. Munin will contact each server and ask for statistics and monitor if a service is running and have enough resources to work.
We talk about how to use Rust to write webassembly code and build a small game of life example.
We talk about building language compilers and their usages within linux.