Diskprediction local “fix”, where I’m at with this project
I've looked into diskprediction. I think it's an interesting way to figure out the state of your hardware by running a scikit learn model over your statistical data from S.M.A.R.T.
We look into how to install the Ceph RADOS Gateway to enable the S3 API on our ceph cluster. Using a gateway in order to simplify the object handling is a usual practice but we will also look into how to setup a region / zone and what is required to sync your data centers….
We look into how to create TFRecords to and handle images from a custom dataset. Later we load these records into a model and do some predictions.
We solve the day 5 challenges for the Advent of Code.
We will talk about what HacktoberFest is and how to contribute. The HacktoberFest 2021 is a really good way to get into open source, boost your CV and help out your fellow programmers.
Follow along as I install my new RaspberryPIs into a new PI Rack. The hardware was gracefully provided by Textalk.
We talk about JMeter a tool to test your sites throughput and load metering. Setting up a test plan and running it against your site with login.