Azure Blob Storage is totally different from S3 or is it?
In this video I go through a minimal client storing data in Azure Blob Storage. Talking about the differences with S3 and what to look out for and challenges to get it working.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We are in our new linux environment and create coreutils, python, ninja and meson. Talking about their usages and the importance of the utils in the core of linux.
In today’s adventure, I chatted with a PDF document using five simple steps and PrivateGPT, transforming how we interact with digital documents. By running workloads on my machine, I’ve entered a fascinating dialogue with texts, asking questions and diving deeper into their content. From movie trivia about "Top Gun" to PDF specifications, this journey showcases…
We talk about lit-html and different functions available in the library.
We look at using XML transforms and testing the result using XSpec
Yesterday the new feature pack 8 and fix pack 9 of Websphere Commerce where released to the world. And I started to download it as soon as I saw it being available. Our process is to try out the new versions as fast as possible to nail down the technical challenges we will face moving…