Java 20 – Divide and concurrent
We look into the changes made in the latest release of Java, 20.
We look into how to use the amazon s3 object storage API. After that, we changed it over to use our Ceph cluster and store objects in that storage engine. The s3 API is straightforward to use, and many storage engines support it out of the box.
We look into the new Java version 19 and all the different features we could expect in this latest revision.
Follow along as I install my new RaspberryPIs into a new PI Rack. The hardware was gracefully provided by Textalk.
I discuss the solution to the legal battle going on around the Google Play Store and Epic Games. Kubernetes at scale managed for …
Getting started using ansible. In this example we will install sudo with ansible on Debian. The script will install all dependencies required and add a user to the sudo group.
We solve todays challange at the advent of code 2020. Come join and have some fun.