Linux by example – Building glibc and configure time and locale
We build Glibc in our new system, configure the timezone variables, set the correct time and look into the installation and configuration of locales.
Getting started using ansible. In this example we will install sudo with ansible on Debian. The script will install all dependencies required and add a user to the sudo group.
In this video we look into text summarization. We apply the albert large model to a piece of text and talk about the different steps required to do summarization. This is more of an overview not a complete explanation of the technology.
In this video I talk about the different iterations I went through the last weeks in order to shut down a docker image in Kubernetes with workloads without missing any jobs.
We build TFRecord file using java and talking about how to easily label your images for object detection.
I talk about some maintainance I had to do recently where we switched the public network of our monitors, removed the cache tier and remove massive amount of objects and all the problems we encountered and handled.
We look into how to set up log4j configuration with XML and properties. XML is pretty simple to configure, and properties are similar in structure but might need a bit more explanation. Configuration in log4j could also be done via code, but I have another video for that.