How to use Regular Expressions
We look at a regular expression to parse a URL in detail so we can reason about regex.
I talk about a project I’ve started to work on. The specific technologies I’ve looked into and tried to implement.
We look into logrotate on Debian and figure out how timers actually work with a system with cron installed and configured. This was a bit of a gotcha for me, so hopefully, this will help you when you configure logrotate and want to use the timers in Debian to set a correct time.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We talk about lit-html and different functions available in the library.
We look into Ubuntu MiniCloud which is a tool to easily spin up a cluster with Ceph, OVN and LXD. This enables you to run workloads over a large amount of servers with and easy to use web interface.
We look into lighthouse testing on Travis CI and SauceLabs.