How can we help with Folding@Home for folding proteins
We talk about the Folding@Home project, where it came from and what kind of problems it will cover and how it works.
We look into the codecombat game that helps pupils learn coding and guide teachers in how to teach computer science in a fun and engaging way.
We talk about building language compilers and their usages within linux.
We look into how to run workloads on the Azure Devops Pipeline, compare it with other similar solutions and also look at settings up a simple maven project for testing.
We solve the day 5 challenges for the Advent of Code.
Today I tried to look into the new functionality for B2B users. The first thing I realized after some testing was that I used the wrong store. I published the AuroraStoreFrontAssetStore from ExtendedSites section that we usually use. And none of the functionality was present. Seemed strange and I couldn’t see any other sars in…
We look at the last release of lit-html and what have been added to the latest API.