Web server in pure Java
We talk about how to create a simple web server using only native java code, no libraries and the simple interface used for these actions.
This story tells you how I got my job and what brought me to seek the job at Textalk.
I try to create a herddb using zookeeper and bookkeeper. I talk about the challenges I found and what the current state of the project is in my opinion.
The CRUD concept is pretty integral to the state-management concepts and an ORM is a good way to store information. ORM stands for Object-Relation Mapping and the CRUD concept is the function Create Read Update Delete. Using my ORM Snok we will look at the concepts and talk about the pros and cons of using…
We will look at JBang which is a tool that could simplify your workflow with java applications. For instance you could run java programs directly from maven or github, you can create new programs in java with JBang.
We will look into how to use test-driven development in order to write code. I go through the process I use in order to create self-documenting code. The code should be able to validate itself and ensure that the thing you want it to handle it should handle.
We look into how to set up FastCGI Process Manager (FPM). What configuration options and considerations are important.