DevLog 2 – SQRL – S4 Storage Format
We look into the way SQRL stores keys on disk or paper in QR form. How to read the data and decrypt the different blocks.
In this video we will look at abstractions of code and the performance of different programming languages and what different code can impact the performance. But the specific abstractions may give you improvements in readability and structure.
We will walk through the process of manually installing a Ceph cluster. This gives you a better overview of how Ceph works, and we will discuss different concepts used when running a cluster. Fetching software. First of I want to check that I have all the latest packages in my debian system. apt update apt…
We look at creating a WordPress Plugin and what is required for it showing up on and getting through the review process. I made it and found some things to look out for and things that can make the process smoother.
We look into installing k3s cluster locally using virtual servers. VirtualBox is used to create one controller and two nodes, connect them and install a dashboard. Creating a small K3S cluster. First ensure that you have curl installed the nodes and server so you can install the packages for k3s. First run the command below…
We use singularity to create containers both in an interactive mode and also using definition files to build them automaticly.
I am looking into POE (Power Over Ethernet). What is required to run servers without having a power cord? I’ve been really curious, so it was fun to learn about it.