Request for Questions (Pre 10k)
If you have any questions that could fit for a 10k AMA please leave them in the comment section below.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
In this video, we look into installing Placement and Nova services. The Placement service is used to gather statistics about your cluster and figure out where to put instances. Nova is the controller and compute nodes that will do the actual work.
When using the marketing trigger “Current page” with “Customer is viewing a catalog entry”. The template you use is actually saying look for a specific productId on a command called ProductDisplay. If you look in the dmeletemplate table you could find all the templates for the different triggers and other elements used by marketing. In…
In this video series, I try to challenge myself with the Advent of Code trials. Each solution will be published to Github, and I hope you will learn something from my coding mistakes and perhaps send some code my way on how you have done these challenges. I know by reading code, so this is…
We install plausible and test how the analytics with plausible works. We read the code and try to understand what kind of features are available and look at how to integrate them into your site.
Java 18 is released, and the new JDK will bring a lot of interesting features to java. We go through all the features in 18 and talk about the performance benefits and some important caviats to keep track on in your code.