Advent of Code 2022 – Day 13
I'm trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We will walk through the process of manually installing a Ceph cluster. This gives you a better overview of how Ceph works, and we will discuss different concepts used when running a cluster. Fetching software. First of I want to check that I have all the latest packages in my debian system. apt update apt…
In this video we look into Java 17, what is new with the 17 release of java that will come to a download site near you on the 14th of september.
We solve the day 1 challenges for the Advent of Code.
We go though how to read a OpenAPI specification with the old API reading body content. And we also translate it to the new V3 parser and go through how this differens and works.
We look into installing k3s cluster locally using virtual servers. VirtualBox is used to create one controller and two nodes, connect them and install a dashboard. Creating a small K3S cluster. First ensure that you have curl installed the nodes and server so you can install the packages for k3s. First run the command below…
We create a lot of directories for the new Linux environment and copy the required files to continue building our system.