How Video Enhance AI works
We look into Video Enhance AI giving some examples and talking about how it works.
We look into how to use Java to create an image classification model using TFRecords and train it with python. Then we will read that model in TensorflowJS in order to predict images.
We solve todays challange at the advent of code 2020. Come join and have some fun.
We are in our new Linux environment and create some more packages. tar – create file packages vim – editor with a lot of functionality procps – check and manipulate processes texinfo – text manipulation used for documentation
We look into the PWNKit vulnrability and how it works. PWNKit is a linux exploit that have been in linux environments for over 12 years. We look at how it works and what is required to be vulnrable and different approaches to secure your system.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
I looked into LastPass Vaults, what is stored and how secure are we using LastPass after their breach were all vaults with password where stolen.