Advent of Code 2024 – Day 11 – Plutonian Pebbles
I try to solve Advent of code puzzles during the 2024 event. Please share your solutions and be a part of this great community.
In this video, we look into the database library Galera for MySQL or MariaDB. It enables replication over multiple hosts where each host is a master and replicated to the other hosts so it’s eventually consistent.
We talk about the partition types and create the most essential partitions. Root and swap partition.
We look into using mdx-deck to create a slide deck with code and react.
I will continue working on one of my projects and if you want to come hangout you are welcome.
I write a lot of small java applications and need a good command line interpreter. Apache Common CLI helps me keep track of options and arguments. Apache have a lot of great tools in their tool chain and even if some of them are common they have a great track record of usability.
I try to solve Advent of code puzzles during the 2024 event. Please share your solutions and be a part of this great community.