Advent of Code 2024 – Day 8 – Resonant Collinearity
I try to solve Advent of code puzzles during the 2024 event. Please share your solutions and be a part of this great community.
After the build in the real system we need to verify that the correct libraries are used and the correct tools will create a viable executable in our new system before building the rest of the packages.
In this video, we talk about angry letters and how to handle when you need to send one of those.
We will use the Github actions and create a progressive web app and test it using lighthouse ci. I will also go through improvements I’ve done from the report CI in lighthouse.
We build a rack and I walk about what goes into the building process and showing the process. We also talk about networking like keystone jacks and cable management.
We create a moving 3d image from pictures using a neural network. This new machine-learning algorithm uses mannequin videos to create pictures for the network to train on and create a depth map to rotate pictures in 3d.
In this video series, I try to challenge myself with the Advent of Code trials. Each solution will be published to Github, and I hope you will learn something from my coding mistakes and perhaps send some code my way on how you have done these challenges. I know by reading code, so this is…