Don't lose data, a first look into Bacula backup solution
This is my first look into Bacula. A backup solution where you can read data from multiple clients and store it on different storage ...
We try to build a video lightbox for youtube videos. Showing thumbnails, on click open the video and play from the beginning.
We go through how to manually install a Ceph cluster. We will add Object storage devices and play around with Rados. Rados (Reliable autonomic distributed object storage) is a great way to store data in a secure and efficient way. Adding storage When the cluster is up and running and all monitors are in qourum…
In this video I’ll compare different JDKs and look at their performance depending on if they are containerized or run locally. We will compare oracle, apache, libertica and graal JDKs.
I try to solve Advent of code puzzles during the 2024 event. Please share your solutions and be a part of this great community.
We will look into how to use test-driven development in order to write code. I go through the process I use in order to create self-documenting code. The code should be able to validate itself and ensure that the thing you want it to handle it should handle.
We talk about creating directories with the right permissions, downloading source files and verifying the validity of the downloaded files.