Master Linux Window Management with wmctrl: Organize Your Windows with Ease!
In this video we look into the command wmctrl that we can use to organize our videos in Linux. If we add it as a keyboard shortcut ...
I talk about a project I’ve started to work on. The specific technologies I’ve looked into and tried to implement.
We talk about creating directories with the right permissions, downloading source files and verifying the validity of the downloaded files.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We talk about building the test tooling we later will use to test the compiler and build systems.
In this video we will cover what I use in my ceph cluster. I’m not an hardware reviewer but this is an example of what kind of hardware that could be used in a ceph cluster. Especially if you want to create a cluster for home use or testing.
We look into how to store data in Ceph using the S3 API. Talking about API options and showing a custom solution for storing, recieving, deleting and checking existance in a Ceph S3 using PHP.