Master Linux Window Management with wmctrl: Organize Your Windows with Ease!
In this video we look into the command wmctrl that we can use to organize our videos in Linux. If we add it as a keyboard shortcut ...
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We look into how to install Apache Kafka in production using ZooKeeper for redundancy and working with topics. We also setup a producer for syslogs and checking the consumer for all the logs to appear.
We look into how to use Java to create an image classification model using TFRecords and train it with python. Then we will read that model in TensorflowJS in order to predict images.
We will talk about how to set up Let’s Encrypt, what is required, what commands to run and what to do with the result. Lastly, we add renew command to keep the cert up to date.
We look at the posibility of coding python in order to change your minecraft world. Adding blocks with python and creating buildings and games in Minecraft. Adventure in Minecraft: Castle code: # Import necessary modules import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft import mcpi.block as block # Connect to Minecraft mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create() # Get the players…