Manual Vitess Installation on Debian Bookworm with MySQL 8.0: Step-by-Step Guide for Production

Installing Vitess manually on Debian Bookworm.

This Vitess script will install Vitess 20.0.1 on MySQL 8.0.32 using Debian Bookworm as an operating system. Vitess requires MySQL 8.0 at the moment because some features are deprecated in 8.4. And the configuration package for MySQL 8.0.32 requires Bookworm.

Prepare system

First we need to install a couple of packages, etcd for the topology, curl and wget for downloading packages and last but not least gnupg for crypto and unzip for a package we need later.

sudo apt install -y etcd-server etcd-client curl wget gnupg unzip

Configure ETCD

We will edit the etcd script and add the configuration below.

sudo vi /etc/default/etcd

This needs to be added to all servers only switching the IP addresses and name for each host.


After the configuration we need to restart all 3 services and ensure that we have a working cluster.

sudo systemctl restart etcd
sudo systemctl status etcd

Prepare Mysql

We download the MySQL configuration package and install it. Make sure to choose the mysql-8.0 option when installing.

sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.8.32-1_all.deb

After we installed the configuration package we can update our repository and install MySQL. The database created during installation is something we don't use so we will stop mysql and disable after install.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-server
sudo systemctl disable mysql
sudo systemctl stop mysql

Prepare vitess user

We will create a new user and group on the system who will run all the services and build the node admin.

sudo groupadd vitess
sudo useradd -g vitess -m -s /bin/bash vitess
sudo su vitess

Next we install nvm used to install and enable node 20.

curl -o- | bash

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"

nvm install 20
nvm use 20


We need to ensure that AppArmor isn't enabled for the MySQL database or else we will get permissions issues. Normally this is not enabled on Debian bookworm.

# Debian and Ubuntu
sudo ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld /etc/apparmor.d/disable/
sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld

# The following command should return an empty result:
sudo aa-status | grep mysqld

Vitess installation

First we will download the Vitess 20.0.1, unpack and enter that directory.

tar -xzf ${file}
cd ${file/.tar.gz/}

From this directory we will copy over the files to /usr/local/vitess and setting permissions to our new vitess user.

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/vitess
sudo cp -r * /usr/local/vitess/
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/vitess/tmp
sudo chown -R vitess:vitess /var/lib/vitess

If you mounted any drives to run MySQL on you should give permissions to Vitess for these drives.

sudo chown -R vitess:vitess /vt/mysql*

Next we will prepare the newly copied Vitess directory. I want to change the structure and copy some directories from examples to we can use them in our own setup. I also want the admin interface to be in /var/lib/vitess so we can build it there later. Updating the permissions as we go.

cd /usr/local/vitess/
sudo mv examples/common/scripts .
sudo mv examples/common/vtorc/ .
sudo mv examples/common/vtadmin/ .
sudo mv web/vtadmin /var/lib/vitess
sudo chown -R vitess:vitess /var/lib/vitess

After we copied the things we want from examples we can remove the rest and I also want to remove the node_module directory of the administrative interface as this will fail during building. Some of the dependencies might have been built for another system and will fail.

sudo rm -rf examples
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/vitess/vtadmin/node_modules/

Creating a cell

A cell is a geograpical place that will encapsulate for quick access. So if we fetch data in one cell we will first look for it in this cell and if we can fetch it we will contact other cells to find the data.

First we setup our path so we have the commands available.

echo "export PATH=/usr/local/vitess/bin:${PATH}" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile 

We run the controller client command on the internal server to add new cell information. Important is to define the addresses to the RPC port of our ETCD cluster correctly or we will have problems when our services want to connect later on. This will create the first cell called zone1.

vtctldclient --server internal AddCellInfo --root "/vitess/zone1" --server-address ",," "zone1"

Preparing scripts

You can do this in two ways, either update the scripts shipped with vitess doing the changes below or you can go to my github repostitory and download the latest changes (

First we update the script. Making the tmp directory that we will store some log files into and also add the parameter for MySQL socket so we can connect directly to this database if needed.

mkdir -p $VTDATAROOT/tmp
--mysql_socket $VTDATAROOT/$tablet_dir/mysql.sock \

Next up we change to hardcoded web dir and hostname from the environment variables.


#case_insensitive_hostname=$(echo "$hostname" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')

The controller daemon needs a couple of small changes. We will hardcode the port and update the hostname definitions so we will fetch it from the environment variable instead.


In order to start the orchastrator we need to disown the script or else it will hang. Add this to the end of the script.

disown -a

In the we will only change the hostname definition to the environment variable instead.


The script to bring up tablets need a couple of changes. I don't want any read only databases so I will comment it out. I will simplify the pid location so we can hardcode it in the systemd script later and also change all hostname to the environment variable for easy configuration.

#if [[ "${uid: -1}" -gt 1 ]]; then
# tablet_type=rdonly

 --pid_file $VTDATAROOT/

The down script will use the new location for the pid file.

stop_process "vttablet" "$VTDATAROOT/"

We will create the stop_process script and make it runnable with chmod +x stop_process


echo "Stopping $1"
kill -9 `cat $2`

Lastly we will update discovery.json in the vtadmin directory to specify all the hosts we want to run controllers and vtgates on. This is so the admin interface will find them easily.

    "vtctlds": [
            "host": {
                "fqdn": "host1:15000",
                "hostname": "host1:15999"
            "host": {
                "fqdn": "host2:15000",
                "hostname": "host2:15999"
            "host": {
                "fqdn": "host3:15000",
                "hostname": "host3:15999"
    "vtgates": [
            "host": {
                "fqdn": "host1:15001",
                "hostname": "host1:15991"
            "host": {
                "fqdn": "host2:15001",
                "hostname": "host2:15991"
            "host": {
                "fqdn": "host3:15001",
                "hostname": "host3:15991"


Next we fetch all the scripts from my repository for systemd and update them as needed for the system. The files vitess.env, mysql[1-3].service and mysql[1-3]-vtab.service needs updating for your current installation.

cd ~
git clone
cd vitess-scripts/systemd/
sudo mv * /etc/systemd/system
cd /etc/systemd/system

Starting the cluster

First we will start the controller daemon after we have reloaded all the scripts we updated earlier.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start vtctld
sudo systemctl status vtctld

When the controller is running we need to create our keyspace. This needs to be done before we start any other services.

vtctldclient --server localhost:15999 CreateKeyspace --durability-policy=semi_sync commerce

Now we can start all the mysql and vttablet services that we have on this host.

sudo systemctl start mysql1
sudo systemctl status mysql1
sudo systemctl start mysql2
sudo systemctl status mysql2
sudo systemctl start mysql3
sudo systemctl status mysql3
sudo systemctl start mysql1-vtab
sudo systemctl status mysql1-vtab
sudo systemctl start mysql2-vtab
sudo systemctl status mysql2-vtab
sudo systemctl start mysql3-vtab
sudo systemctl status mysql3-vtab

When the MySQL services have been started we should have a couple of replicas but no primary. The controller will not do any changes until the orchastrator plans them so lets start that service next.

sudo systemctl start vtorc
sudo systemctl status vtorc

If you now check your tablets on ports like host:1510[1-3]/debug/status you should be find one that is primary.

When this is running we can start the vtgate service that will serve traffic and send it through to our tablets.

sudo systemctl start vtgate
sudo systemctl status vtgate

Last service is the administrator interface, this will build a node application so it can take up to 30 seconds or more to start.

sudo systemctl start vtadmin
sudo systemctl status vtadmin

Last but not lease we will enable all the services so they will start on boot if we need to reboot the machine.

sudo systemctl enable vtctld
sudo systemctl enable vtadmin
sudo systemctl enable vtorc
sudo systemctl enable vtgate
sudo systemctl enable mysql1
sudo systemctl enable mysql1-vtab
sudo systemctl enable mysql2
sudo systemctl enable mysql2-vtab
sudo systemctl enable mysql3
sudo systemctl enable mysql3-vtab


If we already have a cluster we can set the durability policy on that keyspace.

vtctldclient --server localhost:15999 SetKeyspaceDurabilityPolicy --durability-policy=semi_sync commerce

If the database does not become primary then we can switch of the read only mode and create the vt_commerce database manually. Not recommended but have worked for me in the past.

SET GLOBAL read_only = OFF; 
SELECT @@global.read_only;

If we need to reset and want to remove the keyspace this is done in the command line interface. The shard can easily be removed from the admin interface but this command will remove an empty keyspace.

vtctldclient --server localhost:15999 DeleteKeyspace commerce

I will try to maintain the scripts for production deployments in a github repository, this is so we can work on them and update as needed. PR's are welcome.

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