Advent of Code 2023 – Day 15
I'm trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We talk about building the test tooling we later will use to test the compiler and build systems.
We look at connecting up a native library, native source to our Android application.
We look into building images for multiple platforms and deploying them in a Kubernetes cluster. Talks about the challenges I’ve faced during the process and ways to mitigate these issues.
In this video, I look into installing and enabling orchestration using cephadm. Then I will perform an automatic upgrade with cephadm. I talk about my findings and go through all the steps.
I try to create a herddb using zookeeper and bookkeeper. I talk about the challenges I found and what the current state of the project is in my opinion.
I go through a recent PR I created on the Ceph project. This contribution was something that solved a problem that really annoyed me when I’ve used the dashboard regularly the last weeks during a large upgrade/migration.