Lets do a JDK compare of VMs and local install
In this video I'll compare different JDKs and look at their performance depending on if they are containerized or run locally. We will compare oracle, apache, libertica and graal JDKs.
We solve the day 17 challenges for the Advent of Code.
We talk about creating a new user and talk about user permissions and create login profile and start script, all needed for bootstraping user login.
In this video we will look at abstractions of code and the performance of different programming languages and what different code can impact the performance. But the specific abstractions may give you improvements in readability and structure.
I look into installing and using TopGrade to upgrade all kinds of packages from a lot of different package managers in Linux and Windows. There is support for Mac as well but I was not able to test that.
I go through a recent PR I created on the Ceph project. This contribution was something that solved a problem that really annoyed me when I’ve used the dashboard regularly the last weeks during a large upgrade/migration.
We look into how to set up log4j configuration with XML and properties. XML is pretty simple to configure, and properties are similar in structure but might need a bit more explanation. Configuration in log4j could also be done via code, but I have another video for that.