Advent of Code 2022 – Day 4
I'm trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
I started to use a lot of the paint functions in Java at work and I wanted to create an example that could teach me about the different shaders available in Java. The paint interface is not something you come across if you don’t draw things in Java but having an understanding of the possibilities…
We go through how to run java code in your browser using different projects.
I talk about my experience at a hackathon last weekend.
I took a look at the service provider interface in java. This is a needed interface to build simple services using easy building blocks to extend and improve programs or libraries. We will create one example and also look into some tools that use this interface already.
In this video series, I try to challenge myself with the Advent of Code trials. Each solution will be published to Github, and I hope you will learn something from my coding mistakes and perhaps send some code my way on how you have done these challenges. I know by reading code, so this is…
This video we dive deeper into how to parse Wolfenstein map data and draw them in Minecraft. We look at RLEW and …