Automatic install of Redhat 9 using Kickstart
We are looking into installing Redhat 9 without any interaction using Kickstart. Kickstart is a tooling that gives you configuration options to prepare your system and manage the installation flow.
In this video, we talk about how to set up a Ceph RADOS block device. We will mount this device on a Linux client and talk about what block device is used for and the difference between a Ceph file system. We also touch on iSCSI and its usage around block devices. Moreover, we talk…
In this video we will look at abstractions of code and the performance of different programming languages and what different code can impact the performance. But the specific abstractions may give you improvements in readability and structure.
We look into how to screenshot in different devices, take coverage metrics and check loading performance.
We solve the day 18 challenges for the Advent of Code.
We look at the last release of lit-html and what have been added to the latest API.
Looking into WebSockets and how to set up a simple server to send messages back and forth. I’m using a simple chat server example and sends messages from javascript and PHP.