Java 16 – Open with Power
We look into what's new in java 16.
We build some important tools, the M4 compiler and libraries needed by the system.
We solve the day 7 challenges for the Advent of Code.
We look at dockerizing our java build both in the cloud and in our local docker environment.
We are in our new Linux environment and create some more packages. tar – create file packages vim – editor with a lot of functionality procps – check and manipulate processes texinfo – text manipulation used for documentation
After a critical failure, we look into resizing an OSD in our Ceph environment. Unfortunately, the drive is entire, so resize of the OSD was the only option to start the service.
We will compare java build tools. By comparing Ant vs Maven and Maven vs Gradle we will figure out if Gradle or Maven will be the best tool to use. Ant is the old build tool that is not used much but is still good to know about.