How can we help with Folding@Home for folding proteins
We talk about the Folding@Home project, where it came from and what kind of problems it will cover and how it works.
We talk about Gitea and see if it’s a good replacement for gitlab or a good local choice for organization that want to use github locally.
We look at the site and how to use it, you can refresh your knowledge or start your career with just a few simple steps.
We look into how to store data in Ceph using the S3 API. Talking about API options and showing a custom solution for storing, recieving, deleting and checking existance in a Ceph S3 using PHP.
We look at the posibility of coding python in order to change your minecraft world. Adding blocks with python and creating buildings and games in Minecraft. Adventure in Minecraft: Castle code: # Import necessary modules import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft import mcpi.block as block # Connect to Minecraft mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create() # Get the players…
We are in our new linux environment and create gcc compiler that will be our final compiler. Then we look at some text manipulation libraries, compressors and file attribute tools.
We look into how the electron app framwork works and how to use it to create a simple progress counter application.