Tips for working at home
We talk about the requirements for home work and what experiances we have gained working from home for a couple of years.
We solve the day 7 challenges for the Advent of Code.
We try to build page that drops some balls for New Years eve. This is stream content cut down for value.
Customer segments aren’t the most straight forward concept. It should be and works fine but the back-end handling seems to be a set of different solutions put together to make the whole. First of we have the customer segments created as member groups. These groups have names and some small settings but only a few…
We are in our new linux environment and create automake and autoconf used to generate configuration scripts for building more packages in your system.
We look into the codecombat game that helps pupils learn coding and guide teachers in how to teach computer science in a fun and engaging way.
I look into the PiBox that arrived in the mail the other day. In this unboxing video, I go through the PiBox features and talk about what’s in the box and what you could use it for, and how the hardware is put together.