Web server in pure Java
We talk about how to create a simple web server using only native java code, no libraries and the simple interface used for these actions.
We implement a simple REST web server using pure java. Both with socket server and using the HTTP server implementation currently in Java.
We talk about building different file utils and how they can be stringed together to great usage.
We are in our new linux environment and create gcc compiler that will be our final compiler. Then we look at some text manipulation libraries, compressors and file attribute tools.
We talk about building macro languages, gui tools and shells.
We write a simple example in java to run a validation using Schematron. The framework Schematron is a way to do easy validation of XML documents and create output that is easily readable by someone working with these documents.
We create a moving 3d image from pictures using a neural network. This new machine-learning algorithm uses mannequin videos to create pictures for the network to train on and create a depth map to rotate pictures in 3d.