Parsing an OpenAPI file (Swagger)
We go though how to read a OpenAPI specification with the old API reading body content. And we also translate it to the new V3 parser and go through how this differens and works.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
In this video, we look into installing an Openstack Compute node and connecting it with our controller node.
We will look into Ceph Dokan which is a new library and command-line client in order to mount your Ceph cluster to a drive letter in Windows 10. Ceph Dokan still very much in beta but it can pretty easily be installed and mounted using some Windows voodoo.
We look into the latest version of Java 24. In this version, there are a lot of new experiments and great features that we will see in …
We talk about the Folding@Home project, where it came from and what kind of problems it will cover and how it works.
We solve the day 14 challenges for the Advent of Code.