Advent of Code – Day 7 – Finally solved!
We solve the day 7 challenges for the Advent of Code.
We are in our new linux environment and create gcc compiler that will be our final compiler. Then we look at some text manipulation libraries, compressors and file attribute tools.
In this video we setup rust jni to call a rust function from java using jni. Java native interface is a great way to enable quick calls to native code built in other languages like Rust. This approach can be used for other languages as well.
We look into how to sign a request against the “new” Amazon data centers. All centers deployed after 2014 need to use the new …
We look into different looping concepts, what they are and when to use them.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
I switched to Linux this year and have been running it for almost a year. In this video we look into DistroSea which is a site for trying out different distros before you take the plunge into the world of Linux. I review the package managers, GUI elements and overall usefulness.