Advent of Code – Day 15
We solve the day 15 challenge for the Advent of Code.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
The CRUD concept is pretty integral to the state-management concepts and an ORM is a good way to store information. ORM stands for Object-Relation Mapping and the CRUD concept is the function Create Read Update Delete. Using my ORM Snok we will look at the concepts and talk about the pros and cons of using…
In this video, I give a small view of our new office and introduce channel memberships.
We look into how to run Flutter on Linux and Windows. What is the current status and what can you achieve if you want to try it out.
In this video series, I try to challenge myself with the Advent of Code trials. Each solution will be published to Github, and I hope you will learn something from my coding mistakes and perhaps send some code my way on how you have done these challenges. I know by reading code, so this is…
We solve the day 11 challenges for the Advent of Code.