Advent of Code – Day 4
We solve the day 4 challenges for the Advent of Code.
We look into how to create TFRecords to and handle images from a custom dataset. Later we load these records into a model and do some predictions.
We will talk about how to set up Let’s Encrypt, what is required, what commands to run and what to do with the result. Lastly, we add renew command to keep the cert up to date.
We look into how to use Zenity showing by some examples. Zenity is a graphical tool for your scripting to show dialog boxes on the GUI and return the result from Zenity back to your script.
When using the marketing trigger “Current page” with “Customer is viewing a catalog entry”. The template you use is actually saying look for a specific productId on a command called ProductDisplay. If you look in the dmeletemplate table you could find all the templates for the different triggers and other elements used by marketing. In…
We use Toco to convert our cats and dogs model to Tensorflow lite and run it on an Android device.
Using the material design we create a new web component with an input box and label.