How to run Flutter on your desktop
We look into how to run Flutter on Linux and Windows. What is the current status and what can you achieve if you want to try it out.
We talk about creating directories with the right permissions, downloading source files and verifying the validity of the downloaded files.
We look into how to install Apache Kafka in production using ZooKeeper for redundancy and working with topics. We also setup a producer for syslogs and checking the consumer for all the logs to appear.
Are you curious about how programming languages work? In this video, we explore the RosettaCode website and showcase a variety of coding tasks and examples in different programming languages. By examining real-world code, you’ll gain insights into the unique features and best practices of each language. Plus, we walk through some coding examples to demonstrate…
We will talk about how to start a web server using Java with the release of JDK 18 in Marsh of 2022. Java has not had an easy way to start a web server but there might be a change coming.
I’ve looked into diskprediction. I think it’s an interesting way to figure out the state of your hardware by running a scikit learn model over your statistical data from S.M.A.R.T.
2024-07-09 17:12:13 Tuesday In this video we look at how to install stable diffusion in a docker container. This entails making our GPUs available in docker containers and running stable diffusion in a listening mode. We also enable the capability to run extensions inside of the container. Nvidia docker First of we need to get…