A brief introduction to Redis
We look at Redis, what it is, what we can use it for and how to run different commands against a Redis instance.
We look into how to create a simple chat using the OpenAI Chatgpt API. We talk about context and how to use it to improve our …
We solve todays challange at the advent of code 2020. Come join and have some fun.
In this video series, I try to challenge myself with the Advent of Code trials. Each solution will be published to Github, and I hope you will learn something from my coding mistakes and perhaps send some code my way on how you have done these challenges. I know by reading code, so this is…
We look at how to use web components in Angular, React or VanillaJS.
In this video, I look into installing and enabling orchestration using cephadm. Then I will perform an automatic upgrade with cephadm. I talk about my findings and go through all the steps.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.