Linux by example – Building different file utils
We talk about building different file utils and how they can be stringed together to great usage.
In this video we will cover what I use in my ceph cluster. I’m not an hardware reviewer but this is an example of what kind of hardware that could be used in a ceph cluster. Especially if you want to create a cluster for home use or testing.
We solve the day 19 challenges for the Advent of Code.
We look at using XML transforms and testing the result using XSpec
We are in our new Linux environment and create Binutils, some math libraries and the shadow system for user and password management.
We look into how to fetch messages manually so we don’t prefetch any messages and create bottlenecks for longer running processes.
We will compare java build tools. By comparing Ant vs Maven and Maven vs Gradle we will figure out if Gradle or Maven will be the best tool to use. Ant is the old build tool that is not used much but is still good to know about.