Linux by example – Building a temporary compiler
We talk about building the compiler we later will use to build the actual compiler used to build a linux system. Compiler inception.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We use Bubblewrap to install a progressive web app on android. Bubblewrap will create a signed Android APK from the progressive web app manifest and install it on your phone or upload it to Google play store.
Today I tried to look into the new functionality for B2B users. The first thing I realized after some testing was that I used the wrong store. I published the AuroraStoreFrontAssetStore from ExtendedSites section that we usually use. And none of the functionality was present. Seemed strange and I couldn’t see any other sars in…
We solve the day 1 challenges for the Advent of Code.
Going though the process of solving the advent of code challenges for this year.
We are looking into the vulnrability of Log4J version 2 and how to mitigate the exploit. We also look at the differences of version 1 and version 2 of Log4J