Linux by example – Download sources
We talk about creating directories with the right permissions, downloading source files and verifying the validity of the downloaded files.
Using openfaas and minikube we will create a function as a service on prem. Function as a service is available for larger kubernetes systems and can be deployed in the cloud but being able to test locally can be benificial.
I’ve looked into diskprediction. I think it’s an interesting way to figure out the state of your hardware by running a scikit learn model over your statistical data from S.M.A.R.T.
In this video, we look into running rados gateway on backends other than Ceph, particularly in SQLite. This could be useful for testing workloads or running a proxy service with user management. First a good start is to upgrade / update your system so you have the latest packages. sudo apt update sudo apt full-upgrade…
I looked into building tensorflow from source on Windows. The reason, TensorRT released and I wanted to test the new functionallity. I got tensorflow to build after some tribulations using the latest source release. Sadly I never got the new functionallity of TensorRT up and running but I did headway at least.
In this video, we’ll show you how to install Promtail and Loki, two open-source log monitoring tools, to gather and monitor your logs in Ceph. We’ll also walk you through the steps of making some minor code changes to display the Grafana Explore window, allowing you to monitor your logs directly in the Ceph dashboard….
We look at using XML transforms and testing the result using XSpec