Building containers with Singularity
We use singularity to create containers both in an interactive mode and also using definition files to build them automaticly.
Using openfaas and minikube we will create a function as a service on prem. Function as a service is available for larger kubernetes systems and can be deployed in the cloud but being able to test locally can be benificial.
We talk about building a real compiler used to build a Linux system.
We look into how to install and use simple-cdd to create a new Bookworm install image fully automated with no input from the user during install. Git repository
We are in our new Linux environment and create BASH the Bourne Again SHell that we will use for our command-line environment and grep to find text using regular expressions.
What can you learn from examining code in multiple languages?
We solve the day 13 challenges for the Advent of Code.