Webassembly using Rust
We talk about how to use Rust to write webassembly code and build a small game of life example.
We talk about building the compiler we later will use to build the actual compiler used to build a linux system. Compiler inception.
We look into how to migrate your Ceph cluster to use orchestration using the CephAdm service. The video will cover how to prepare the systems, install the service, adopt legacy services, and add the hosts. Lastly, we will upgrade the system to Quincy’s last version and discuss the pros and cons of using CephAdm orchestration.
We solve the day 15 challenge for the Advent of Code.
In this video, we look into the Ultralytics Yolo framework. It enables you to run a pre-trained Yolo algorithm and retrain it for your particular use case. Using this model, you could easily create a new model to detect your favorite things in an image and create location boxes over the objects.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We talk about the struggles I had with running inferences in Java using a Keras model in tensorflow. This is the train.py used in this example. import tensorflow as tf #import tensorflowjs as tfjs import os from datetime import datetime from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential, Model from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, BatchNormalization, Layer from tensorflow.keras.layers import…