Dropping balls for New Years
We try to build page that drops some balls for New Years eve. This is stream content cut down for value.
We look into how to install Apache Kafka in production using ZooKeeper for redundancy and working with topics. We also setup a producer for syslogs and checking the consumer for all the logs to appear.
Trying to implement a SQRL login for Websphere Commerce I ran in to the issue of changing the logged in user from another session. To accomplish this I used the persistent sessions in commerce fetching an activity and changing what user ran in that session. If you want to enable this behavior you need to…
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We look into how to create a PiBox Template and install it on my PiBox. The procedure is very similar to creating a Kubernetes deployment, so that subject is also covered in this video.
Customer segments aren’t the most straight forward concept. It should be and works fine but the back-end handling seems to be a set of different solutions put together to make the whole. First of we have the customer segments created as member groups. These groups have names and some small settings but only a few…
We look at some keyboard shortcuts in windows that might streamline your workflow.