Dropping balls for New Years
We try to build page that drops some balls for New Years eve. This is stream content cut down for value.
We are in our new linux environment and create gettext and OpenSSL, talking about internationallization and website security.
Getting started using ansible. In this example we will install sudo with ansible on Debian. The script will install all dependencies required and add a user to the sudo group.
We look into the way SQRL stores keys on disk or paper in QR form. How to read the data and decrypt the different blocks.
In this video, I talk about the implementation of payment for my site, YouTool.app. We looked at what PayPal requires in their …
In this video, we look into installing the Horizon dashboard and the Cinder volume storage. The volume storage will utilize Ceph as a backend, so we take a couple of extra steps for that to work.
We look at Redis, what it is, what we can use it for and how to run different commands against a Redis instance.