How to use Biometrics in Android + Audio Rant
We look at how to use a Biometric fingerprint to decrypt some encrypted data.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
We are in our new Linux environment and create some more packages. tar – create file packages vim – editor with a lot of functionality procps – check and manipulate processes texinfo – text manipulation used for documentation
We create a moving 3d image from pictures using a neural network. This new machine-learning algorithm uses mannequin videos to create pictures for the network to train on and create a depth map to rotate pictures in 3d.
We use singularity to create containers both in an interactive mode and also using definition files to build them automaticly.
We look at an example from ml5js to load images and predict them
We look at dockerizing our java build both in the cloud and in our local docker environment.