Object detection Part 2 – Configuration [Tensorflow]
Looking into the configuration file and talk about what the different parameters mean
We talk about the partition types and create the most essential partitions. Root and swap partition.
We look into logrotate on Debian and figure out how timers actually work with a system with cron installed and configured. This was a bit of a gotcha for me, so hopefully, this will help you when you configure logrotate and want to use the timers in Debian to set a correct time.
The CRUD concept is pretty integral to the state-management concepts and an ORM is a good way to store information. ORM stands for Object-Relation Mapping and the CRUD concept is the function Create Read Update Delete. Using my ORM Snok we will look at the concepts and talk about the pros and cons of using…
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
I write a lot of small java applications and need a good command line interpreter. Apache Common CLI helps me keep track of options and arguments. Apache have a lot of great tools in their tool chain and even if some of them are common they have a great track record of usability.
We look at some keyboard shortcuts in windows that might streamline your workflow.