Object detection Part 2 – Configuration [Tensorflow]
Looking into the configuration file and talk about what the different parameters mean
We explore how to package your Java code using jlink and maven in order to get all your dependencies in order.
Customer segments aren’t the most straight forward concept. It should be and works fine but the back-end handling seems to be a set of different solutions put together to make the whole. First of we have the customer segments created as member groups. These groups have names and some small settings but only a few…
We will compare java build tools. By comparing Ant vs Maven and Maven vs Gradle we will figure out if Gradle or Maven will be the best tool to use. Ant is the old build tool that is not used much but is still good to know about.
In this video, we’ll show you how to install Promtail and Loki, two open-source log monitoring tools, to gather and monitor your logs in Ceph. We’ll also walk you through the steps of making some minor code changes to display the Grafana Explore window, allowing you to monitor your logs directly in the Ceph dashboard….
We look into the codecombat game that helps pupils learn coding and guide teachers in how to teach computer science in a fun and engaging way.
I look into the PiBox installation and give my first impressions of the software and features of the PiBox solution.